Road Soft التطبيقات

Speed Camera Radar (Light) 2.1.28-light
Road Soft
Free GPS radar detector in your smartphone. LIGHT version
Speed Camera Radar 3.1.43
Road Soft
This application is used to detect hazards on the road, such asspeed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, red lightcameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This application usesdatabase of hazards previously detected by other users. The latestversion supports all the countries of the world! ⌚ Good news !Application supports smartwatches on Android WearOS ⌚ GETTINGSTARTED 1. If you just installed the app you will need to go tomenu "Update databased" to download and install the latest databaseof speed camera for your region (country). 2. To run the hazarddetection mode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom right ofthe screen. 3. The application notifies only the dangers that arealong your route. 4. You can call main setting, swiping from theleft edge of the screen to the right. 5. You can call dangersfilter that you want to discover swiping from the right edge of thescreen to the left. 6. To add a new danger, tap on the SPEED at thebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove current POI================= Starting with app version 2.0 user can sign-in inapp's community (using your Google Account). Registered users havemore permissions to manage POI objects (danger) on the map, forinstance, user can explicitly delete irrelevant POI from commondatabase. ================= The workflow of the application differsfrom the hardware radar detector. Hardware radar detector - is apassive receiver that does not block the signal to which it is set,but simply notify the driver of the presence in the field of theradar radio interference. This application works differently, ituses a database of hazards previously detected by other users. Forexample, if the application is informed about mobile ambush, itmeans that at this point can probably be mobile ambush. Any usercan add new hazard to shared database. Also user can influence onrating of hazard (when user get danger alert he can define whetherdanger exists or not in fact). The application plays the sound andshows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard. If you areconnected to the internet you will be able to monitor the trafficjams. There is a feature update the database of the hazards. Theapplication may run in the background (even when the screen isoff), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected". ★★★Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (no need Internet to renderdata) ★ Night mode for Map is supported (enabled in settings) ★Night mode adjustment on screen ★ 3D tilt on map support (3Dbuildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotation map along the way ★Dashboard with current speed ★ 260 000 active hazards POIs aroundthe world (check your country in FREE version of this APP at first)★ Daily database updates! ★ Support voice alerts ★ Support ofworking in background or with other Navigation APPs ★ You can addtheir own POI to shared database=================================================================Be careful on the road and good luck! ==================
Speed Camera Radar (PRO) 3.2.5
Road Soft
★★★ This application does not contains any advertisements! ★★★Thisapplication is used to detect hazards on the road, such asspeedcameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, red lightcameras),speed bumps, bad roads and etc. This application usesdatabase ofhazards previously detected by other users. GETTINGSTARTED 1. Ifyou just installed the app you will need to go to menu"Updatedatabased" to download and install the latest database ofspeedcamera for your region (country). 2. To run the hazarddetectionmode, press the "Start" button. at the bottom right of thescreen.3. The application notifies only the dangers that are alongyourroute. 4. You can call main setting, swiping from the left edgeofthe screen to the right. 5. You can call dangers filter thatyouwant to discover swiping from the right edge of the screen totheleft. 6. To add a new POI, tap + button close to the SPEED atthebottom of the screen. 7. Sign in to edit and remove currentPOI==========================================================Beforeyou buy, you can first try the free version. Each user candevelopa database of hazards for his country. Please note, thattheapplication does not scan radiation police radar in real timeforthe application is used only database hazards identified earlierbyusers. Any user can add new hazard to shared database. Alsousercan influence on rating of hazard (when user get danger alerthecan define whether danger exists or not in fact). Theapplicationplays the sound and shows hazard on the map and distanceto thishazard. If you are connected to the internet you will beable tomonitor the traffic jams. There is a feature update thedatabase ofthe hazards. The application may run in the background(even whenthe screen is off), just enable option "Use speech whenhazarddetected". ★★★ Features ★★★ ★ Map or Radar view mode (noneedInternet to render data) ★ Night mode adjustment on screen ★3Dtilt on map support (3D buildings) ★ Map auto zoom and rotationmapalong the way ★ Dashboard with current speed ★ 140 000activehazards POIs around the world (check your country in FREEversionof this APP at first) ★ Daily database updates! ★ Supportvoicealerts ★ Support of working in background or with otherNavigationAPPs ★ You can add their own POI to shareddatabase=================================================================Becareful on the road and good luck!
Rental Accounting (business) 1.0.15
Road Soft
Application for business - rental points for accounting anyproducts and orders